
Visaul-Vim is Tmux utility for Vim user who want to use Vim like an IDE !!

How to Install Visual-Vim?

$ wget  
$ chmod +x ./  
$ ./  

* When installation is complete, Please restart the terminal.   

How to use Visual-Vim?

If you want to use Visual-Vim you can use ‘vv’

1) Open files by using Visual-Vim

$ vv $file_name1 $file_name2 ...    
ex) $ vv ~/.bashrc  

2) Exit Visual-Vim (kill Visual-Vim session)

$ vq  

3) Detach Visual-Vim sessions

$ vd  

How to control Visual-Vim session?

If you want to control your Visual-Vim sessions you can use ‘vvc’ command

1) vvc list ( ls )

Shows the currently running VV session list

$ vvc ls   

2) vvc attach ( a )

Reactivate the VV session
vvc a $Session_number (you can use ‘vvc ls’ to get session_number)

$ vvc a $Session_number  
ex) $ vvc a 1  

3) vvc kill ( k )

Kill the running VV session

$ vvc k $Session_number  
ex) $ vvc k 1  

4) vvc clear ( c )

Remove and Kill all VV sessions

$ vvc clear 

5) vvc help ( h )

Print Visual-Vim manual

$ vvc help